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Hercule Savinien De Cyrano de Bergerac

I love the story presented by Edmond Rostand in his wonderful tale of Cyrano de Bergerac. It's such a heart breaking love story that one can't help be enthralled by it til the very end. This man, so in love that he will do anything for her to the extent of crossing enemy lines and coaching a stupid beauty yet unable to proclaim love for fear of rejection. It's a classic story but his fear is born from facial features. His nose, grotesquely out of porportion to the rest of him, the bain of his existence and everything... I love Cyrano and it's so sad how great a man he is and yet he can't love the one thing he would give anything to have. It's tragic and I cry every time at the end when he reads a letter of Roxane's that proves to her the whole time it was he not Christian who truly loved her for her and not for her face and what not. When she realizes it's him, when it dawns on her how much he loved her all these years and she him just to lose him within the hour to the machinations of lower men, ah, I bawl every time.

Roxane: I love you, you shall live!
Cyrano: No! For it is only in the fairy-tale that the shy and awkward prince when he hears the beloved say "I love you!" feels his ungainliness melt and drop from him in the sunshine of those words! ... But you would always know full well, dear Heart, that there had taken place in your slave no beautifying change!
R: I have hurt you... I have wrecked your life, I! ... I!
C: You? The reverse! Woman's sweetness I had never known. My mother....thought me unflattering, I had no sister. Later, I shunned Love's cross-road in fear of mocking eyes. To you I owe having had, at least, among the gentle and fair, a friend. Thanks to you there has passed across my life the rustle of a woman's gown.


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