SO! My bishop called my stake president from up in Rexburg and my papers will be on their way to Utah come Monday! I'm so excited (And Totally nervous! I haven't really been nervous at all but now that I am it is a little overwhelming!) So I am getting everything put in order so that come October I can leave when the Lord says! It's going to be Epically Epic. Yep, it is!
First of all, I'm going to go on a little complaining rant. I hate cats. I am not a cat person. The only time I like cats is when they are cuddly and asleep. They smell, the make loud noises when they drink from water bowls, they cry a lot to come in or out, and they clean themselves in a way that always grates on my nerves. Okay, now that that's out of the way, my second line of business on blogger today: Surgery recovery update! I went and saw Larry today and he said the knee is lookin' goood :) Not in so many words because Larry never has anything really positive to say (which is fine and doesn't make me like him any less) but he didn't dis my work on my knee so it's aaall good. I still have to wear my sports brace... I guess I should amend that and say Larry says I should still be wearing it... and I haven't been but I didn't tell Larry that. The guy might get all Larry on me. But I will try and be more diligent in my brace wearing in the future....