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Fragile X-associated Disorders at the UCDMC

The gene known as FMR1, Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein, is a main contender for the spotlight in medical research of today. There are three specific disorders, called Fragile X-associated Disorders, that are caused by permutations of this gene and two of those disorders are studied at the University of California Davis Medical Center (UCDMC) located in Sacramento, CA. The two kinds of Fragile X-associated Disorders are discussed as well as final thoughts on the UC Davis internship.

The first of these disorders is Fragile X Syndrome and is the best known cause of the disorder known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) or simply autism. Approximately 1 in 88 children in the United States are affected by ASD. Those who suffer from ASD show signs such as delayed speech development, difficulties with social interactions, disrupted immune responses, and multiple other symptoms that range across the spectrum. This disorder is studied extensively at the Medical Investigation of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (MIND) Institute at UC Davis. Stephen Noctor’s lab focuses on the effect of the mother’s immune response on the neurodevelopment of the fetus as it is believed this plays a role in the prevalence of autism. Multiple studies have been conducted that have shown there is some correlation with the alteration of proteins in the brain of a fetus that was affected by maternal immune dysregulations during pregnancy. Since proteins play such a large role in neurodevelopment, it is hypothesized that this is where the problem lies.

In Dr. Noctor’s lab mice, or rats, are given lipopolysaccharides (LPS). LPS is a sugar/lipid found on bacteria that triggers an immune response as though the mice had received an actual bacterium. The immune response triggered mimics that of women during pregnancy. When someone gets sick, the body releases cytokines that tell the white blood cells to attack anything possibly perceived as a threat. When this happens, blood vessels expand and this has direct effect on the placenta and the blood brain barrier of a developing fetus. The lab continues its study of the implications this has on autism by studying the structure of brains of those who had autism.

The fetuses of the mice are removed one by one from the uterine horns and the fetuses are perfused. This is done either in the embryonic stage or the very young post birth stage (postnatal) for the baby mice. The mother is kept alive under anesthesia during this process until the final fetus is removed after which the animal is killed using a hand guillotine. The process of perfusion is done under a microscope with built in lights because the ablation of fetal brains is  difficult due to the similarity in coloring of both the tissue and the layers of protection around the developing brain, including the still developing skull. The brains are carefully recorded as they are collected and then stored at four degrees centigrade in a solution made with sucrose and azide. The purpose of this solution, and occasional washings with the same solution, is to help avoid contamination. The tissue is later transferred to tissue collecting solution and placed in the freezer at -20. The tissue is later frozen in cryomolds in optimal cutting temperature (OCT) gel in preparation for sectioning on a cryostat. The tissue will then be used for various studies.

No real conclusions were drawn during this time but correlation is strongly evident. Should causation be proved, the implications would be extensive. Women who are instructed not to take anything when they get sick while pregnant would possibly be advised to the contrary. If the woman’s family has a history of ASD, it could possibly be advisable that she take something to stop her immune response should she get sick while pregnant as this might prevent her fetus from showing with autism. Other implications include developing methods for earlier detection which would allow for earlier behavioral therapies.

The second disorder known to result from a mutation in the FMR1 gene is Fragile X-associated Tremor/Ataxia Syndrome (FXTAS). FXTAS is a late onset disorder usually seen in men who are over the age of 50. Recently discovered, FXTAS is sometimes misdiagnosed as Parkinson’s because symptoms for both include tremors of deliberate motions. It can also be misdiagnosed as Alzheimer’s because those who have FXTAS suffer from dementia. Other symptoms include ataxia; short memory loss; disruptions of mood, including psychiatric problems; and decline of cognitive processes. FXTAS was discovered in 2001 by a research wife and husband team, the Hagermans, at the MIND institute. Because they discovered the syndrome, brains are sent to them of individuals who suffered from this Fragile X-associated Disorder. Recently, this included the brain of a man only 34 years of age.

The fact that brains are shipped in for the Hagermans proves beneficial for many labs at the UCDMC. One of the labs that benefits from this is the lab of Veronica Cerdano-Martinez. Dr. Martinez has been studying neurodegenerative diseases as they are associated with stem and progenitor cells at the Shriner’s Children’s Hospital of Northern California. Her lab most recently has been studying the levels of iron in the brain of those who suffered from FXTAS. Many neurodegenerative diseases are associated with levels of iron in the brain, including Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. An incorrect amount of iron in the developing fetus has detrimental effects on the structure of the brain later in life because iron plays a role in the neurogenesis of cells in the brain. Iron deficiency can be seen affecting the amount of dendrites, the function and location of oligodendrocytes, and to some extent myelin sheathing. Because of this, large perforations in the white matter can be seen in those who suffered from iron deficiencies – like those who suffered from FXTAS. In order to understand this more fully, the lab strives to analyze the amount of iron in the tissues available.

Brains are brought to the lab and are sectioned small enough to keep and later section on a cryostat or occasionally a vibratome. The tissues are sectioned and placed on slides. Slides are stored at -20 until they are used for immunohistochemistry (IHC). Slides are placed in a pressure cooker/decloaker to break the connections between proteins in the tissue allowing for IHC. The tissue is then hydrated to allow the rest of the IHC to take place. Hydration includes moving the slides through xylene substitute, isopropanol, and various percentages of ethanol. To see the levels of iron in the tissue, a four day IHC is used for both ceruloplasmin and transferrin. Ceruloplasmin and transferrin are both iron transport proteins. 

Each case was stained for iron found in the neurons (NeuN), microglia (Iba), the protein Sox10, and the protein S100. The tissue is treated with primary antibodies of the four mentioned and then secondary antibodies of donkey anti goat or donkey anti mouse depending on which primaries are used. The tissue is stained with AB blue kit as well as NOVA red and DAB. The four day process takes several hours each day. At several places, where the staining is placed on the tissue, knowing when to stop the development is determined by careful watch with the use of a microscope.

After the IHC is complete, the slides are dehydrated and coverslipped using permount and stored in a slide case until they can be counted. After the slides have dried, they are counted using either ImageJ software or a microscope. An overall knowledge of how much transferrin or ceruloplasmin can be seen on each slide is determined by using ImageJ. In order to get a more precise idea of the signal available per slide, the counting is done under a microscope. Each slide is stained for either NeuN with S100 or they are stained for both Sox10 and Iba. Differentiating between the two on each slide is difficult with a two dimensional picture on the computer and therefore needs the microscopes ability to move through the tissue by altering the focus.  

The iron amounts associated with neurodegenerative disorders has been studied extensively but there is still room for further understanding. Should causation be more firmly established it would be possible for the creation or improvement of therapies or interventions that could help those who might suffer later in life with neurodegenerative diseases due to their birth with iron deficiencies.

Martinez’s lab was also searching to establish new recipe/protocols for golgi staining as current protocols are not sufficient for the lab’s needs. Golgi staining is a precious tool as it allows for the staining of complete structure including neurons. Current theories of the problem with golgi staining are mostly biology based and the lab proposes to establish that the problem lies in the chemistry rather than the biology of the stain. Brain tissue are used at both 100 and 200 um and placed in solutions made with Potassium Dichromate and Potassium Chromate at various molarities, and tested for both one week and two weeks to discover if any improvements could be established in golgi protocols. At the time of this paper no final conclusions have been drawn.

Other techniques learned and utilized in the lab settings include the use of chemistry and math in order to create solutions including TBS, PBS, various ethanol percentages, sucrose mixtures, DIVA for the decloaking machine, and others. The proper process for sterilizing dishes was learned. The collection of brain tissue was inventoried and photographed. Ablations and perfusions at both labs was observed and performed at the first. A protocol for IHC with hematoxylin was also performed. The use of high functioning microscopes was learned including Olympus and Keyence microscopes.

As shown above this internship has proved to be beneficial in that many techniques were learned as well as an increased understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDs). To see two labs in two different locations was incredibly interesting, as it allowed for the comparison of  techniques used and increased the knowledge gained of NDs. Dr. Noctor’s lab is a friendly atmosphere where graduate students are very dedicated in their research and the intern is expected to help them where needed. In Dr. Martinez’s lab the lab itself is more open and placed in a large room in close proximity to other labs. It is also on the sixth floor of a hospital and has a different feel to the atmosphere. While still employing grad students, those students are not quite so open or friendly but it is guessed that this is due in part to the intern’s lack of being a part of their work. In Martinez’s lab interns are more or less given their own work to add to the overall arching research project while also performing the tasks of an intern, mostly shared in the previous paragraph.

While intrigued with the research of Fragile X-associated Disorders, the hands on work of being an intern was less than appealing. While enjoying the everyday tasks of bench work, the perfusions and ablations were distasteful. A grad student in Dr. Martinez’s lab is also studying the spinal cord of mice and the image of the spinal cord being grotesquely hacked from the body of a mouse is something not easily forgotten.

This internship is an invaluable experience for students seeking future education or careers in science, whether research is a desired part or not. To learn hands on how research is done and the process in making research articles happen is a valuable lesson. The two labs collaborate every other week to study together a research article of a grad student’s choosing. This article club increases the knowledge of current research and allows for better understanding of the papers chosen as questions are freely asked and answered. A club such as this could be extremely useful for those students at Brigham Young University-Idaho who desire to enter this internship as it will better prepare them to understand the work they will be a part of. Much of the research done today is not new but built on the back bone of other previous research. It is suggested that future interns come with the ability to read papers, pull needed information out, and formulate questions to ask. Researchers enjoy talking about their work and questions are always welcomed

Outside the lab, the ability to spend a few months in California was also an interesting experience. For those born inside Utah or Idaho, it is necessary to live for a time somewhere not filled with members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The interactions and friendships made were beneficial and the many chances to share parts of the gospel outside of the lab, on the bus etc., are valuable life lessons for every member of the Church.

Being a part of the research done by faculty at BYUI would be good preparation. Because the research done under the advisement of Clair Eckersell includes perfusions, IHCs, and cryostat work it is good preparation for the labs of Noctor or Martinez. It would also be suggested that future interns be aware that it is their job to say when they do not know how to do something and to make sure what they are doing is in correct sequence. Careful keeping of a lab journal proved extremely beneficial in both labs. Future interns should be aware that a lot of research is waiting. Actions are performed followed by a lot of five minute, one hour, two hour waits and that can be frustrating.

            Fragile X-associated Disorders are intensely interesting. The ability to study both ASD and FXTAS is a memorable experience that will prove useful for future endeavors, both in career settings and education. The process of research, starting from hypothesizing, researching and then writing articles for submission is neat to watch and in part experience. Future interns should feel lucky to be a part of a program like this. A final set of suggestions for those who will be joining this internship: bring a bathing suit and a lot of sunscreen. Future interns should be reminded to not forget to visit the beach while remembering the words of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson that formed the mantra for the last three months, “Be humble, hungry, and the hardest worker in the room.”

 At the vibratome preparing human brain tissue for Golgi staining experiments
 Me! Me + the vibratome = Bffs. Seriously, that thing loved me.
 This is a “family circle” at the Muir Woods where I visited near the end of my time in California. It was neat to learn about the family circles of the humongous redwood trees – they grow in circles with the grandmother tree in the middle. They have to grow near each other because their roots are very shallow and link together under the earth. This keeps the trees up and helps with nourishment for all the trees.

These are bat brains that Dr. Martinez travelled to collect for us. Well, obviously they are bat heads. The brains aren’t out yet. No project has been started with the bat brains yet but I had to transfer them into sucrose for storing.

Crichton, R., Dexter, D., Ward, R. (2011). Brain iron metabolism and its perturbation in neurological diseases. Journal of Neural Transmission. 118, 301-314.
Luo, Y., Shan, G., Guo, W., Smrt, E., Johnson, E., Li, X., … Zhao, X. (2010). Fragile X mental retardation protein regulates proliferation and differentiation of adult neural stem/progenitor cells. PLOS Genetics. 6
Saffary, R., Xie, Z. (2010). FMRP regulates the transition from radial glial cells to intermediate progenitor cells during neocortical development. The Journal of Neuroscience. 31, 1427-1439
Braunshweig, S., Krakowiak, P., Duncanson, P., Boyce, R., Hansen, R., Ashwood, P., … Van de Water, J. (2013). Autism-specific maternal autoantibodies recognize critical proteins in developing brain. Translational Psychiatry. 3


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