Here I am in still cold but lovely Richmond UT. Wastin' time with Rachie and Aaron, sometimes Hannah and Jotchua also. Mom bought Ovaltine with the groceries yesturday, MWAHAHAHA!!! My take over has begun :) Evil alien smile mwahahahah
I leave freezing Rexburg in TWO DAYS!!! AHH I am so excited!!! Tomorrow I will need to clean and finish packing, as well as study for my finals and finish my English paper. I need to do more reading to write my paper and I really don't care to. It is due by noon in the Rigby to Brother d'Evegnee.
Richmond Utah, home of our little library Below is a picture of what main street used to lok like. Theurers (pronounced Tires) closed last year but JB's is still there, the last restaurant available in Richmond. The other places we have to eat are Corner Bakery and a Maverick. Richmond is also home to Pepperidge Farm and Lower's Sandwich Meat
So I guess Charlotte Gilman was pretty mucha freak. She killed herself and they tried to justify it by claiming her cancer was just awful...She abandoned her husband, her children, her life to write freakish depressing stories full of mad women with problems with society suppressing and depressing them.
My final english paper is an analysis of an analysis of a short story or poem that I know well...The only things I can find to write my paper on are articles that are 13-21 pages long! Insert scream of aggrivation here... The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story by Charlotte Gilman who at age 26 died of a mental illness then diagnosed as "nervous prostration" - an illness only diagnosed to women. The story is about the escape of a woman from her gender role in the eighteenth century only to fall ito complete madness - showing her choice of madness over supression. The article which I will be scrutinizing is entitled, "Gilman's Gothic Allegory: Rage and Redemption in the Yellow Wallpaper."
I have exactly three days of school left, and that many finals. I also have five days left in Rexburg. Soon I will be back to the beautiful Richmond home on one acre with four teenagers, home made bread every other day, heart break cookies whenevr I want and late night trips to Maverick and Big J's quesidillas and soft meat burritos with extra cheese...ohhhh Rachel is going to miss one. I am losing one and gaining another haha! Yaya for red head Rachel's
I was Rachel's earring model today, maybe I should change my choice of occupation! ;) I love Christ. I love the gospel! How amazing it makes everything! I am surrounded by modest, beautiful women. Everyone here on campus is special and their special spirits are a gift from God and their choice to follow the gospel. It is just amazing.