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Taking Stock

Seeing: "Blue skies, nothing but blue skies" :)
Making: my schedule for MY LAST SEMESTER AT BYU-IDAHO (bittersweet)
Cooking: rhubarb pie this week - collecting the rhubarb this afternoon!
Drinking: my favorite summer drink - watermelon slush. Simply take cold watermelon and blend in a blender - enjoy
Reading: "Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that heal" by Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D. And rereading an old favorite: Goblet of Fire, Rowling
Hearing: Ed Sheeran radio -mm yes.
Wanting: breakfast burritos, I can't get enough of them.
Looking: forward to the next month while I wait to hear about secondary applications for medical school
Playing: with A.M. this weekend! (And maybe my sister!)
Wasting: time watching "When Calls the Heart" - it's good. don't judge :P
Understanding: the importance of being comfortable in the positive situations in which you find yourself
Wishing: things were different but working on acceptance.
Enjoying: super cheesy eggs! (I don't eat a lot of cheese since I'm slightly lactose intolerant but this morning I was craving cheesy eggs and I said to myself, "Self," (because that's what I call myself, "treat yoself!"
Waiting: on those secondary applications, and then interviews, and then acceptance
Planning: our ward (local congregations) midsemester activity and a local lake! Zip lines, bonfires, potato salad contests, and canoe-battleship - jealous?!
Liking: having a moment of peace
Loving: All the pictures of my nephews lately
Hoping: to see family soon
Needing: to sew up my temple dress! It's too long but I can't seem to get around to it.
Smelling: fresh cut grass. I swear they cut our grass here ALL THE TIME! The working theory is that they want it so short we won't be tempted to lie on it. JOKES ON THEM! We are college students, we lay wherever we want. It's called a blanket. 

Wearing: My "student support khakis". That is what I call them. Because I basically wear them one weekend a semester for GET CONNECTED! (That's our school's freshman orientation and I just signed up to do it again in the Fall. Welcome the little kiddos as I prepare to leave this truly amazing place that has been my life for the last eight years (geeez))
Learning: to be patient with my imperfections. 
Teaching: friends and loved ones about being happy each day! (Thanks Caryn.)
Noticing: A difference in the attitude of those around me and loving it
Tasting: Those EGGS tho' hahaha
Thinking: about the misuse of welfare this morning. It's been on my mind. I won't rant about it. (I could... but I won't... you're probably welcome)
Bookmarking: Library Books!!!

"Read some books!" (If you don't get this reference, I pity you and you need to come to one of our Nacho Nacho parties - TAAAAAABBBBITHA!)

Laughing: at myself - eVeRyDaY - because I can. And you should too. 
Feeling: grateful for the support as I've been on this journey to do medical school! You are amazing. So thank you for that.
Studying: NOTHING!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA (Well, besides the Gospel of Mark)

Knowing: that time goes on and life is good and God is merciful.


Tankitha said…
Now go on! Go read some books!

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