So I come from divorced parents and one thing that really frightens me about this is the increased likelihood of my own divorce. I asked the 100 Hour Board the following question: Dear 100 Hour Board, I looked in the archives and I'm pretty sure this question hasn't been asked before. If it has, I'm sorry and could you point me to it? Okay, so getting to my question. I know that with divorce rates, it is the same outside the Church as it is inside of it, meaning fifty percent of all marriages end in divorce. It's also been scientifically proven (somewhere? by someone?) that the likelihood of being divorced is increased if your parents were divorced. Is this true inside the Church as well as outside of it? If you grew up in the church with divorced parents, is it still more likely you will get divorced yourself? I'd like some sources if you can find them. - An inquisitive child of divorced parents A Dear Child, Don't fret, your exact quest...