I've been reading the 100 Hour Board this morning and I haven't blogged for awhile so I think I'll take a stab at it. Another reason is I'm texting my little sister and I'm in a weird mood - perfect blogging mood. So I have a few things I'd like to touch on. First of all, my sister sent me a text saying that in her English class (at my old high school, my old teacher blah blah blah) there was found in a book cover My name. And what book would that be? Their Eyes Were Watching God. Zora Neale Hurston is the worst writer I have ever read! I HATED THAT THING!!! ... So, I reply to my sister the obvious: "What?! Why would My name be in a book I HATED?" The answer, "I don't know." Hm. I don't know either. But, according to her, it was maybe in my handwriting and it had my middle initial. My thoughts on this? EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! So I say to her, "Erase it!" But it's too late. The thing has been put away. Left for another year, more kids who will read my name in the Horrid, detestable THING Ms. Nora would like to be called.. a b...I can't even say it.
Next item is a quote I found by one awesome, amazing, great actor whose name just slipped my mind. Ha Russell Crowe. He was speaking on spirituality, "I think there's a karmic cycle, which is very very obvious: you run around acting like a dick, and you get your a kicked. The world just works that way." Thank you Mr. Crowe. "The world just works that way" indeed.
I don't really have anything else to blog about. However, I will update you on my knee situation. Three weeks ago tomorrow I received ACL replacement as well as meniscus repair and cartilage repair on my left knee. It's been going a-o-kay so far. Tuesday, tomorrow, is actually my half point. Three weeks ago was my surgery, and in three more weeks my physical therapist Larry will let me walk without my crutches. Needless to say, I am excited. Walking with crutches is only exciting when you are in middle school or high school and you're tricking your friends into doing stuff for you. After that it gets pretty old, pretty fast.
Next item is a quote I found by one awesome, amazing, great actor whose name just slipped my mind. Ha Russell Crowe. He was speaking on spirituality, "I think there's a karmic cycle, which is very very obvious: you run around acting like a dick, and you get your a kicked. The world just works that way." Thank you Mr. Crowe. "The world just works that way" indeed.
I don't really have anything else to blog about. However, I will update you on my knee situation. Three weeks ago tomorrow I received ACL replacement as well as meniscus repair and cartilage repair on my left knee. It's been going a-o-kay so far. Tuesday, tomorrow, is actually my half point. Three weeks ago was my surgery, and in three more weeks my physical therapist Larry will let me walk without my crutches. Needless to say, I am excited. Walking with crutches is only exciting when you are in middle school or high school and you're tricking your friends into doing stuff for you. After that it gets pretty old, pretty fast.